Visa Services

Golden Visa

Golden residency is one of the services provided by the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security. Under this service, people who meet the conditions can apply for a long-term residency for a period of five to ten years. This new system in the UAE allows residents, foreign expatriates and their families to come to work, live and study in the country, and to have the possibility of enjoying a long-term residency without the need for a sponsor within the country, and it is automatically renewed. Furthermore, this system enhances the environment that supports business growth and success in the country.
As part of the authority’s keenness to support the golden residency system, the long-term residency visa system has been activated by a decision of the Council of Ministers, which aims to attract the investor who invests his money in the country, the entrepreneur who runs an economic project, and the talented or skilled person, or the leader in different fields of science, knowledge or sports, and the outstanding students who graduated from high school or from accredited universities in the country with a GPA of 3.8 or more, and all PhD holders, doctors and engineers in the fields of computer engineering, electronics, programming, electricity and biotechnology, and those who hold specialized degrees in artificial intelligence, big data or epidemiology and viruses.

Pioneers of humanitarian works

A candidate should be a pioneer in humanitarian work within one of the following categories:

  • Members who have worked in international and regional organizations, or outstanding employees, for a minimum of five years.
  • Members of civil associations and institutions of public interest, or outstanding employees, for a minimum of five years.
  • Individuals who have received an appreciation award from a local, regional, or international organization that specialized in humanitarian work.
  • Awarded to outstanding humanitarian volunteers with at least five years of service or at least 500 hours of volunteer service.
  • Funders of humanitarian work provide the value of the support not less than (2,000,000) million UAE dirhams or its equivalent.
  • All other categories of humanitarian work are agreed upon between the authority and the Ministry.
  • A minister can also nominate pioneers of humanitarian work.
    Holding a university degree.
  • Completing other requirements imposed by a ministry or authority.

Investors in Public Investments

  • Submission of a letter from an investment fund accredited in the UAE stating that the investor has a deposit of (2,000,000) million dirhams.
  • Or submission of a valid commercial license or industrial license and a memorandum of the association stating that the investor’s capital is not less than two million dirhams.
  • Or to be a partner in a company's capital with no less than (2,000,000) million dirhams.
  • Or submission of a letter from the Federal Tax Authority stating that the investor pays the government no less than AED (250,000) dirhams annually.
  • Or submission a letter from the Federal Tax Authority stating that he is a partner in an establishment that pays tax to the government, and his share in the tax is at least (250,000) dirhams annually.


  • A Letter from an auditor in the UAE stating that the project value is not less than (500,000) dirhams (project owner).
  • Provide a letter from the authorities in the emirate stating that the project is of a technical or future nature in which leadership is achieved (project owner).
  • Provide a letter from an accredited business incubator in the UAE to establish the proposed activity in the country (founder of a project).
  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.
  • Proof of housing in the country (home ownership/house rental contract).
  • High School Top-Ranked Students in UAE
    Obtaining an excellent grade or an average of 95% from public or private schools.
    A recommendation letter from the Ministry of Education.

Residence Visa

Residence visa allows expats to live legally in UAE for a specific time period which can be extended further.
There are various types of residence visas:

  • Resident visa through employment
  • Investor visa or partner visa
  • Resident visa through family sponsorship\
  • Resident visa for domestic workers
  • Specialist resident visa
  • Resident visa for students

Dependent Visa

Now you can sponsor your dependents in the UAE as a business owner or an employee regardless of the profession, provided you meet the minimum salary requirement, show proof of relationship and dependency, ability to house and financially support your dependents while residing in the UAE. Documents showing relation and dependency not issued in the UAE must be legalized and attested by the UAE Consulate from your home country and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE.

Types of Dependent Visas:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parent
  • Parent-in-law

The UAE’s ‘Golden visa’ is a long-term residence visa which enables foreign talents to live, work or study in the UAE while enjoying exclusive benefits which include:

  • an entry visa for six months with multiple entries to proceed with residence issuance
  • a long-term, renewable residence visa valid for 5 or 10 years
  • the privilege of not needing a sponsor
    the ability to stay outside the UAE for more than the usual period of six months in order to keep their
  • residence visavalid
    the ability to sponsor their family members, including spouses and children regardless of their ages
  • the ability to sponsor unlimited number of domestic helpers
  • the permit for family members to stay in the UAE until the end of their permit duration, if the primary holder of the Golden visa passes away.

Provide a recommendation letter from the General Sports Authority or one of the Sports Councils.

  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

Provide a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Economy.

  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

  • Provide an approved letter from the Department of Culture and Arts in the relevant emirate.
  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

  • Provide an attested university degree.
  • Provide experience certificate (minimum 5 years of experience).
  • Provide a salary certificate (not less than 30,000 AED).
  • Valid work contract.
  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

  • Provide an attested copy of the PhD certificate from the Ministry of Education in one of the priority disciplines.
  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

  • Provide an attested copy of the PhD certificate from the Ministry of Education in one of the priority disciplines.
  • Valid passport copy.
  • Valid health insurance.

  • Real estate investor owning a property the purchase value of which is equal to or more than 2 million AED at the time of purchase, to apply for a 10-years renewable residence permit. The husband or wife, children and parents can be sponsored. In the event that a mortgaged property, a bank letter indicating 2 million AED paid amount as a proof to be provided.

  • A recommendation letter from the university stating that his GPA is not less than (3.8).
  • Duration should not exceed two years since graduation.

  • The university ranking should not be less than the top 100 universities in the world according to the international classification approved by the Ministry of Education.
  • GPA is not less than (3.5) for bachelor students.
    Duration should not exceed two years since graduation.
  • Approved certificate from the Ministry of Education.

  • Frontline heroes include nurses, medical assistants, lab technicians, pharmacologists and other cadres approved by the Frontline Heroes Office

The Dubai government has initiated efforts to make it easier and cheaper for freelancers to work and live in the UAE. GoFreelance visa is an initiative by the TECOM group that allows freelancers to work in tech, education, media and design sectors as independent contractors with a Freelance permit.
The freelancer permit is ideal for professionals who are on a dependent visa as they only need to get a freelancer license. This permit identifies you as a sole practitioner and enables you to conduct business in your name rather than a brand name.